Organic Bell Pepper tip…

Posted by on Apr 14, 2012 | 0 comments

While it’s best to eat local and seasonal, some of us don’t always want to wait until the end of summer for those sweet, delicious, red bell peppers. I may be making a big pot of chili on a blustery February night, and need a pepper!

Unfortunately, according to the EWG, bell peppers are one of the “dirty dozen” (the 12 vegetables that hold the heaviest pesticide residue), so the average, grocery-store kind are pretty unappetizing to me.  On the up side, many grocery stores sell organic peppers on a fairly regular basis. The only problem is that more often than not, the year-round grocery store selection is lackluster – I can’t always find good ones when I need them.  Shriveled, wrinkly, mushy, bell peppers are not my idea of good eats, whether they’re organic or not.


When I happen to notice a good batch of fresh, firm, organic peppers, I buy several of them, even if I don’t need them right away.  I wash and dry them well, then freeze them whole – as is – in a sealed container or freezer bag.  If you’re cooking with them, no need to thaw ahead of time, as they’re very easy to slice/chop straight from the freezer (though your fingers will get cold).  I don’t know exactly how long they’ll last in the freezer, as I usually use them up within a month or two, but I can tell you they last at least that long, maybe longer.

Not a perfect solution, but an adequate one that happens to work for me. Thought I’d share !

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