6 TBSP extra virgin olive oil
2 TBSP fresh lemon juice
1/4 tsp pure salt
handful fresh basil, chopped
1/4 tsp black pepper
pinch of crushed red pepper
- Mix =)
Store any extras in the fridge.
~ This is a great dressing if you’re avoiding vinegar (or even if you’re not!).
~ Swap out the basil for any herb (or combination of herbs) you’d like.
~ LEMON JUICE TIP – Sometimes I don’t have fresh lemons on hand when I need them. On the other hand, if I buy a bottle of lemon juice, I’m inevitably at some point holding half a bottle in my hand, alternating between sniffing & wondering if those floating white “things” are supposed to be there. I’ve found the best thing to do is to buy a whole bunch of organic lemons when I can get a good deal, juice them all, and put the juice into ice-cube trays in 1 TBSP servings. This way, when I need a tablespoon or 2 of fresh lemon juice, I just pop out a couple of cubes. See “FAVORITE-TOOLS-&-GADGETS” page for ice-cube tray with snap on lid. Comes in really handy for things like this.
Dairy Free, Gluten Free, Egg Free, Nut Free, Sugar Free, Grain Free, Vegan, Raw Be sure to use fresh lemon juice if eating raw.
