
Sausage (Tempeh) & Peppers w/ Greens

Posted by on May 2, 2012 in Entrees, Greens, Recipes, Tempeh, Tempeh, Tofu, Seitan | 0 comments

Sausage (Tempeh) & Peppers w/ Greens

To prepare the Tempeh Sausage:

2 packages soy tempeh (total of 16 oz)
2 TBSP fennel seeds
2 tsps dried basil
2 tsps dried oregano
1 tsp red pepper flakes
1 tsp dried sage (or 3/4 tsp ground sage)
4 garlic cloves, minced or crushed
1/4 cup soy sauce
2 TBSPs extra virgin olive oil
3 TBSPs lemon juice (juice of 1 lemon)

  • In a large saute pan, crumble the tempeh (using your hands) and add enough water to almost cover it (about 3/4 cup).
  • Over medium heat, cover pan & steam the tempeh until the water is absorbed, about 10 minutes.
  • Drain or cook off any remaining water (if necessary).
  • Add the rest of the ingredients, and cook over medium heat, stirring occasionally, until lightly browned, about 10 minutes.
  • Cover to keep warm.

To prepare the vegetables:

2 TBSPs extra virgin olive oil
1 large onion, sliced into long thin strips
1 large red bell pepper, sliced
2 bunches swiss chard (about 24 oz), stems removed and roughly chopped

  • In a separate large saute pan, cook onion in olive oil over medium heat for 5 – 10 mins, (until softened and starting to brown).
  • While onion is cooking, slice bell pepper and saute with the onions until cooked through – about 5 mins.
  • Wash swiss chard and dry well (I use a salad spinner to thoroughly remove all the moisture).
  • Add chard to saute pan with onion/peppers and cook until softened and wilted, about 5 mins.
  • Transfer onion mixture to the pan holding the tempeh, toss to combine and serve immediately.



~ The tempeh sausage recipe, on its own, is pure genius, adapted from Post Punk Kitchen. It is fantastic.  Try it next to eggs, tossed with pasta, or as a homemade pizza topping.

~ To make things easier, if you know you’ll be in a time crunch around dinner time, do some prep work ahead of time. For example, in this case, you can combine all of the liquid ingredients (and crushed garlic) in one container, and the dried spices in another. This way, when the time comes, all you have to do is open & pour =)

~ Of course, feel free to use pork sausage if you’d like, but I recommend using only high-quality, pastured pig products, if any.

~ You may need to drizzle in a bit more oil as you add the peppers and/or greens.

This is a killer dish – Hope you enjoy it as much as we do.

For those with various food restrictions, this recipe falls into the following categories:

Dairy Free, Gluten Free, Egg Free, Nut Free, Sugar Free, Vegan, Grain Free, Raw

If eating gluten (or grain) free, be sure to use “soy” tempeh and certified gluten free tamari/soy sauce.


Posted by on Apr 20, 2012 in Environmental, Health Topics | 0 comments

The Need for Detoxification

It’s no secret that our world has become polluted.  There are noble efforts by various groups to make it better, but simply put – toxic chemicals are everywhere.  Even if there was suddenly a worldwide ban on all toxic chemicals, residue would remain for decades, perhaps even centuries.  Since we cannot completely remove toxins from our environment, nor can we completely avoid them in our everyday life, we must learn to deal with them the best we can.  We can do this by making sensible lifestyle choices and using periodic detoxification methods.  Detoxification will purge harmful substances from your body, including poisons that may have been accumulating for decades.


The body has an amazing capacity to heal itself.  We get a cut, break a bone, tear a muscle, or get a bacterial infection, and the body immediately goes to work to repair the damage. We develop symptoms (mucus discharge, fever, coughing, vomiting, diarrhea, fatigue, etc.) to fight and remove harmful substances.  The body knows what to do in every case–no matter how old it is.  The only time the body makes mistakes (such as in autoimmune diseases) is when it is over-encumbered with toxins, or functionally damaged by injury or other negative factors which alter the body’s normal processes.  If the body is healthy, it can quickly heal injury and ward off countless diseases without suffering symptoms of sickness. When our bodies are weakened by toxic accumulation and stress, and lack essential nutrients, our resistance to infection is decreased, sickness is more severe and more frequent, and recovery is slow.


Given the chance, the body will eliminate harmful toxins that weaken our immune system and cause degenerative conditions to develop.  The body will heal, replacing damaged, diseased tissues with new healthy cells.  But as long as irritating contaminants remain in the tissues and new toxins are continually added, recovery is impossible.  Surgically removing a cancerous growth, for example, from one part of the body may relieve pain, but will not eliminate the cause of the cancer.  The disease causing factors remain, irritating other tissues, and eventually the cancer may return.  Removing the symptoms of disease does not cure the disease.  The only way to remove the cause of degenerative disease is to allow the body to cleanse itself.  Surgery won’t do this, drugs won’t do this, radiation won’t do this.  It has to be done internally.


Using a variety of drugless, natural detoxification methods, harmful poisons can be extracted from the body and eliminated.  The body then can repair and rebuild itself with healthy tissues, thus overcoming deteriorating conditions.


Who Needs To Cleanse?

How do you know if you need to detoxify your body?  If you have any serious degenerative condition, you have a toxic accumulation problem.  But most people have not experienced any “serious” or life-threatening health problems; does that mean they are in good health? Not necessarily.  If you eat a diet composed of typical grocery store and restaurant foods, chances are you are in need of detoxification.  If you have any degenerative health problems, no matter how minor they may seem, you have excess toxins stored in your body. Some of the symptoms of toxic overload include: constipation, fatigue, skin problems (acne, psoriasis, eczema), back pain, body odor, bad breath, poor digestion, gas, excess body weight, poor memory, depression, allergies, frequent illnesses (ear infections, colds, etc.), irritability, restlessness, lack of endurance, reproductive problems, and any other annoying condition that a “healthy” body should not have.  Through detoxification you can rid yourself of these dis-ease conditions and enjoy symptom-free health for life.


Please keep in mind that detoxification programs are not offered as cures for disease.  They are designed to support and encourage the body’s own inherent healing power to accomplish this task.  There is no practitioner, no procedure, no vitamin, no herb, or drug that can cure disease.  Cure comes only through the body’s natural healing processes. Detoxification programs are aimed at assisting in these processes by eliminating the causes of disease and creating conditions that encourage the body’s own healing forces to bring about healing.

Information sourced from Bruce Fife, N.D., internationally recognized expert on health and head of the not-for-profit coconut research center.

Honey-Lime Broiled Salmon

Posted by on Apr 20, 2012 in Entrees, Fish, Recipes | 0 comments

Honey-Lime Broiled Salmon

Been making fish pretty regularly these days & have a few new tasty recipes to share. Here’s one of them….


4 salmon fillets (about 6 oz each)
2 TBSP tamari/soy sauce
1/4 cup brown rice vinegar
1/2 cup mirin
1 tsp peeled & grated fresh ginger (see tip below)

  • Place the fillets in a baking dish just large enough to hold them in a single layer.
  • In a small bowl, combine the soy sauce, vinegar, mirin, and ginger.
  • Pour over the fillets, turning to coat all sides, and marinate at room temp for at least 30 mins but no longer than 1 hour.



Make the sauce just before broiling the fish.

4 tsps wasabi powder
2 TBSPs fresh lime juice (see tip below)
1/4 cup tamari/soy sauce
1/2 cup honey

  • In a small saucepan, mix together the wasabi, lime juice, soy sauce and honey.
  • Place the pan over medium heat and bring to a boil, stirring constantly.
  • Lower the heat and simmer (still stirring constantly), until the sauce thickens and turns syrupy – just a few minutes more.
  • Set aside and keep warm.



  • Preheat the broiler with an oven rack placed so the fish will be about 3 – 4 inches from the heat source.
  • Remove the salmon from the marinade, wiping off any excess marinade.
  • Place them on a broiling pan, and broil until they begin to color, 3 – 4 mins (if your fillets have skin on one side – place them skin side down).
  • Flip the salmon and cook about 3 minutes longer, until almost opaque throughout, but still very moist.
  • Arrange on plates, drizzle the sauce over the salmon and enjoy.



~ If starting off with frozen fillets…..transfer from freezer to refrigerator the day before.  If you need to defrost in a hurry, place filets (sealed in plastic) in a bowl of cold water and let sit on the counter until thawed.  Should only take an hour or two, depending on thickness. Might want to change the water once or twice to keep it cold.  If you’re really in a hurry to defrost, put the fish (in sealed package) in a bowl in the sink, and let it sit under cold running water.  Should be completely thawed in about 20 mins.

~ Mirin can be found in a bottle similar to soy sauce in the asian aisle of the grocery store or health food store. It’s a sweet japanese rice wine.

 For those with various food restrictions, this recipe falls into the following categories:

Dairy Free, Gluten Free, Egg Free, Nut Free, Sugar Free, Grain Free, Vegan, Raw

If eating gluten free, be sure to use a gluten free tamari.  If you’re vegan and don’t use honey, substitute another sweetener such as maple syrup.

GRATED GINGER TIP – Buy a large bulb of ginger, wrap it in a piece of parchment paper and store it in a freezer bag in the freezer.  When you need fresh ginger, no need to thaw.  Just take it out & peel a little nub of it (can use a paring knife or potato peeler).  Then use a microplane zester to grate as much of it as you need.  Wrap it back up & put it back in the freezer for the next time you need it.  Ginger is so much easier to grate when frozen.  And of course, you’ll never again have to worry about finding your ginger shriveling up & mushy in a corner of the fridge.

~ LIME JUICE TIP – Sometimes I don’t have fresh limes or lemons on hand when I need them. On the other hand, when I used to buy bottled lemon juice, I was inevitably at some point holding half a bottle in my hand, alternating between sniffing & wondering if those floating white “things” are supposed to be there. I’ve found the best thing to do is to buy a whole bunch of organic lemons or limes when they’re available, juice them all, and put them into my cube trays in 1 TBSP servings. This way, when I need a tablespoon or 2 of fresh juice, I just pop out a couple of cubes!  See 32-FAVORITE-KITCHEN-TOOLS-&-GADGETS for the covered cube trays I use for this (and also the microplane zester mentioned above).

~ The reason you shouldn’t marinate the fish longer than an hour is because the acid in the marinade will begin to “cook” the fish.

~ I assumed this fish would be spicy because of the wasabi powder, but it really wasn’t at all. Just unbelievably tasty. Adapted from “Salmon” – a beautiful book by Diane Morgan.

~ It’s nice served with a big salad or sauteed greens and brown rice. Shown here with TANGY-SWEET-COLESLAW.

Intimidated by TEMPEH?

Posted by on Apr 14, 2012 in Kitchen Tips | 0 comments

Intimidated by TEMPEH?

In case anyone is avoiding tempeh because they simply don’t know how to handle it, I hope these photos help

It’s certainly not the only way to prepare tempeh, but one of the easy, versatile ways we enjoy it.

First, cut tempeh in half right through the plastic. Then squeeze out each half (gently pushing from the ends).

Next, cut each half again so you have 4 quarters.

Stand each quarter on its side and slice in half.

You should now have 8 thin slices of tempeh.

Heat oil of choice over medium heat in a large saute pan and saute a few chopped up cloves of garlic for a minute or 2, until just golden. Remove garlic from pan (but leave oil). Add tempeh slices to pan and lightly brown on each side (may need to add a little more oil). Combine one to two tablespoons each of soy sauce and water, and add the mixture to the pan (will make a loud hissing sound). Cook a minute or 2 longer on each side and serve.

The type of oil really depends on what you’ll be eating the tempeh with. If we’re having an Italian dish with marinara sauce, we’ll use olive oil. If we’re having an Asian dish, sesame oil works well. Coconut oil is also great for Asian (especially Thai) style dishes (or you can use a combination of oils for a more complex flavor).

Serve the tempeh with garlic over the top (and any sauce you’ve prepared [if any] for the rest of the meal).

We usually use 2 packages for the 4 of us.

If you have a 5 quart saute pan (shown above), you’ll be able to fit in all 8 pieces at once.

Tempeh prepared this way is perfect for TEMPEH-REUBENS (a family favorite in our house).

Organic Bell Pepper tip…

Posted by on Apr 14, 2012 in Kitchen Tips | 0 comments

Organic Bell Pepper tip…

While it’s best to eat local and seasonal, some of us don’t always want to wait until the end of summer for those sweet, delicious, red bell peppers. I may be making a big pot of chili on a blustery February night, and need a pepper!

Unfortunately, according to the EWG, bell peppers are one of the “dirty dozen” (the 12 vegetables that hold the heaviest pesticide residue), so the average, grocery-store kind are pretty unappetizing to me.  On the up side, many grocery stores sell organic peppers on a fairly regular basis. The only problem is that more often than not, the year-round grocery store selection is lackluster – I can’t always find good ones when I need them.  Shriveled, wrinkly, mushy, bell peppers are not my idea of good eats, whether they’re organic or not.


When I happen to notice a good batch of fresh, firm, organic peppers, I buy several of them, even if I don’t need them right away.  I wash and dry them well, then freeze them whole – as is – in a sealed container or freezer bag.  If you’re cooking with them, no need to thaw ahead of time, as they’re very easy to slice/chop straight from the freezer (though your fingers will get cold).  I don’t know exactly how long they’ll last in the freezer, as I usually use them up within a month or two, but I can tell you they last at least that long, maybe longer.

Not a perfect solution, but an adequate one that happens to work for me. Thought I’d share !

Quantum Reflex Analysis

Posted by on Apr 9, 2012 in Health Topics, Quantum Reflex Analysis, Tools and Techniques | 0 comments

What is Quantum Reflex Analysis?

Quantum Reflex Analysis (QRA™) is a simple but profound way of allowing the body’s wisdom to tell us what it needs to heal. It is a unique, highly effective system of testing the bio-energetic status of the body’s key organs and glands using a muscle testing technique of medically accepted reflex points. Using QRA, we can discover the presence of infections, parasites, viruses, bacteria, heavy metals, environmental toxins, and nutritional deficiencies within the body that often remain undetected by traditional medical exams. By identifying key imbalances in the body’s organs and glands, QRA pinpoints the specific nutritional supplements needed to restore balance and promote optimal health.


Dr. Robert Marshall, a certified and internationally trained nutritionist with a PhD in biochemistry, developed Quantum Reflex Analysis because of thirty years of intense scientific research mapping the human Biofield and its relationship to healing and regeneration.


How Does QRA™ Work?

QRA Practitioners use the Biofield as a template to identify and eliminate stressors that have reduced or depressed the body’s own powerful healing systems. The Biofield is a matrix of different energies that extend outward from each person’s body and comprises many of the life energies critical to human wellness. The Biofield energies regulate and balance multiple systems that range from the cellular to the whole person. In other words, the Biofield instructs the body on how to function properly. If blockages or other distortions exist in the Biofield, the information is unable to instruct the biochemical body, which may result in physical illness.


QRA uses the brain’s feedback mechanisms to identify specific organs and systems within the body that are functioning at less than optimal frequencies. The areas within the body that may be weak or dysfunctional determine the relationship between the Biofield and the organs and glands and pinpoint where the practitioner must support, nourish, detoxify, energize, and rebalance the body. Once supported, the body releases its own internal, powerful, innate ability to accelerate healing, renew and regenerate.


When the Biofield is restored and fully functional, a thimble full of nutrients can do the work that previously, a wheelbarrow full could not.


Posted by on Apr 9, 2012 in Biocommunication, Health Topics, Tools and Techniques | 0 comments

Since Bio-communication is likely something you’re hearing about for the first time, I’ve collected data on all aspects of the technology for those who would like to gain a better understanding.  The following information comes directly from the the ZYTO Bio-communcation Corporation.  For those considering this service, I encourage you to read through the data so you can make an informed decision as to whether or not it’s right for you.

Commonly Asked Questions

How does the technology work?


In the most basic terms, ZYTO technology uses quantum physics as well as established Galvanic Skin Response (GSR) technology to measure fluctuations in electrical conductivity of the skin. A client places their hand on the hand cradle, the ZYTO software sends stimuli to the body using digital signatures that represent actual things, and the fluctuations in GSR are measured and interpreted. The response helps the practitioner to see how the body responds to the items being assessed, which ones it prefers, and how much it prefers them. This knowledge is used by healthcare practitioners to maximize their results by helping them choose the right solution for their clients at the right time.


Are the results accurate?


Yes. ZYTO practitioners have performed tens of thousands of assessments worldwide. Practitioners have also used other modalities to evaluate the results of their ZYTO software with great results. Recently, a hospital study was conducted that showed a 95.2% correlation between the results of ZYTO’s technology and the recommendations of the doctor.


Are the results reproducible?


One of the most common questions that arises as people are getting to know the technology and how it works, is why the actual data from the scans changes from one assessment to another. As a matter of fact, because of what we are measuring,we don’t expect reproducibility. ZYTO technology measures the most rapidly changing field in the body, the energetic field, which processes 400 million impulses of information per second. When dealing with complex mind- matter systems repeatable measurements are not expected. Instead you look for patterns and trends.


Are there any research studies on the technology?


There are myriad studies that have been conducted over the last century on GSR and its use in measuring the body’s reaction to stimuli. In addition, several independent studies have been conducted by health professionals using ZYTO’s technology.


Can the technology be used to treat or diagnose?


ZYTO technology is not designed to treat or diagnose. It is a tool designed to assist the healthcare practitioner in finding the body’s preferences for any list of items. This information is invaluable in helping the practitioner determine which product is going to maximize therapeutic results for the client.


Do you have FDA approval?


Yes.  ZYTO’s hand cradle is an FDA approved, class two, medical device deemed safe for adults and children.


How Zyto Technology Works – A More In Depth Look…

Energetic Communication:


Every cell in your body is networked together, sending and receiving information to coordinate the millions of functions your body processes every day.


When your body encounters a health challenge, it uses these communication pathways to direct available resources to restore balance. Your body is so effective that in most instances you won’t even know there was a challenge.


When your body encounters a bigger health challenge, you may begin to show symptoms. Symptoms are the outward expression of your body’s best efforts to deal with these bigger challenges. Common symptoms may include elevated body temperature, swelling, pain, tiredness, or a cough. Once you recognize a symptom you can begin to assist the healing process. Things like getting more sleep, drinking more water, taking nutritional supplements, or medication can help your body deal with these challenges.


Too often we ignore our health until we get so sick that symptoms appear. Wouldn’t you rather support your body’s day-to-day efforts to deal with the little challenges?


But how can you learn what your body needs? Whether your challenges are great or small wouldn’t it be nice if you could just ask your body?


ZYTO Biocommunication:


ZYTO technology enables a computer to communicate with your body. By placing your hand on the Hand Cradle, an energetic connection is established allowing ZYTO to essentially ‘ask your body questions’ and record your body’s responses or ‘answers’. We call this biocommunication, and it can provide you and your healthcare provider with powerful new insights about your health.


During a ZYTO scan, subtle energetic impulses called virtual stimulus items (VSIs) are introduced to your body. Your body responds to these impulses in a positive or negative way and ZYTO measures and records your responses.


VSIs are representative of a wide range of things like foods, nutritional supplements, prescription medications, body organs and systems, and therapeutic treatments.


VSI’s can be organized into scanning sequences called biosurveys. You can think of biosurveys as questionnaires that your body provides the answers to.


Biosurveys are designed by some of the best and brightest healthcare professionals in the world for the purpose of gathering the most pertinent information from your body.


Your body’s responses indicate what is referred to as Biological Preference and Biological Aversion. Biological preference and aversion simply means the VSIs to which you have the most positive or negative responses.


At the completion of the biosurvey, your body’s responses are documented in the form of a report.


So whether your body is dealing with big challenges, little challenges or if you are seeking proactive health support, information gathered in this way can help you and your healthcare provider make better decisions for your health.


ZYTO scans are designed to help you and your healthcare provider make better decisions about your health. They do not diagnose illness or disease and are not intended to treat any health condition.


How Our Cells Communicate

Information is the communication of knowledge and each cell of your body is built for communication. The outer cell wall is comprised of two layers of fat, called a bi-lipid layer. The lipid molecules are organized in a crystalline pattern that facilitates communication.


You may be familiar with crystals and their use. Using very simple components, and no outside energy source, a crystal radio allows you to capture the waves from a radio station and convert them into audio energy.


The crystal like structure of each of the 70 trillion cells that make up your body allows you to receive information in a similar way. As the cells compress and expand their structure generates the energy needed to pass information along, allowing your entire body to function in a coordinated and healthy way.


As your cells communicate ZYTO technology makes it possible to ‘eaves drop’ and listen to the conversation. This is accomplished by monitoring the changes in galvanic skin response, or GSR, as well as subtle changes in spoken voice. As we listen we apply proprietary formulas and extract meaning from what your body is saying; but that’s only half the equation, the other half is talking. Talking in this sense is communicating information to your body that will stimulate a response.


To talk to your body ZYTO technology converts computer data to signatures or frequencies that stimulate cellular response. We call these signatures virtual stressors or queries. The process of talking with the body can be seen as a stimulus-response exercise. ZYTO technology outputs a query (a virtual stressor) and the body responds. We’re asking a question and listening to the answer.


Stress as a Communication Pathway

Most often, when we hear the word stress we think of anxiety or nervous tension. The clinical definition of stress however is a positive thing. In fact, without stress you’d be dead. Physiological stress is your body’s reaction to any stressor. It is generated in an attempt to maintain balance. Stressors can be environmental, emotional, or physical. For example, fatigue from staying up too late, the emotional strain from a death in the family, or a flu virus that has invaded your body are all stressors.


When a stressor presents itself your body uses biotelemetry to spread the word, communicating from cell to cell to enlist sufficient resources to compensate for the stressor. When the body’s response is adequate we continue to enjoy good health, we are in balance with our stressors. This is called homeostasis.  Homeostasis is not a static position; the body is constantly making adjustments, an estimated 100 million per second. For the most part we are unaware of these adjustments because our conscious mind is not designed to handle that much detail.  But even though we don’t hear the music, the dance goes on.


The music of this dance is what Biocommunication listens to, particularly the music of GSR. But instead of presenting the body with actual stressors, this technology generates virtual stressors, queries.  In this manner the body can be presented with a large number of simulated challenges, or questions, and by listening to the biotelemetry reflected in GSR the Biocommunication device receives the body’s answers.  It’s a stimulus-response experience.


Your body is energetically connected and constantly in communication with itself. The primary function of this communication is to maintain overall health and functionality. Biocommunication between your body and ZYTO software takes advantage of this and is a breakthrough method for ‘listening to’ and ‘communicating with’ your body.


By interacting energetically with your body the ZYTO software will essentially ‘ask your body questions’ and record your body’s responses or ‘answers’. Information gathered in this way can help you be more proactive about your health and help you and your healthcare provider make better decisions regarding your healthcare.


ZYTO scans do not diagnose or recommend treatments, they simply provide information that should be considered by a qualified healthcare professional in determining a course of action.


The Zyto Scan

WHAT IS IT LIKE TO GET A SCAN? – Getting a ZYTO biocommunication scan is a simple and painless process. Simply place your hand on the ZYTO hand cradle while a scan is run. During the scan, subtle energetic impulses are introduced to your body through multiple input channels including the hand cradle. Your body will naturally respond to this communication and the ZYTO software records each response. Although a few people may be able to sense this energetic communication, most are unaware that the scan is taking place.


TYPES OF SCANS – Scans are organized into what are called biosurveys. You’ve probably filled out a survey before; a series of questions that you provide answers to. A biosurvey is essentially the same thing, only you don’t answer the ‘questions’ consciously, you answer them subconsciously. With biocommunication scanning, the ‘question’ is the subtle energetic impulse called a Virtual Stimulus Item or VSI, and your response, which is recorded and analyzed by the ZYTO software, is a change in the electrical properties of your skin.


Different biosurveys will include different VSIs. Some biosurveys are general in nature and include VSIs concerned with overall wellness, others include VSIs relating to specific areas of the body or body processes, and some may deal with environmental factors like toxins or allergens. A biosurvey can be as varied and versatile as any other survey.


Health practitioners use ZYTO products to help them make better decisions for their patients and clients. That’s why ZYTO technology is referred to as decision support technology. It’s important to note that ZYTO scans do not treat or diagnose.


HOW OFTEN SHOULD I GET MY ZYTO SCAN? – Regular ZYTO scanning will provide you and your healthcare provider with up-to-date biocommunication information as your body and health needs change. Your healthcare provider will guide you with the specific schedule best for you.


ACCURACY – Clinical studies have compared ZYTO scan reports with results produced by generally accepted diagnostic methods. One pilot study conducted in Beijing China compared the results of a four-minute ZYTO scan to a two-day diagnostic workup on several hundred patients. The results showed a high correlation. This study was not undertaken with the idea that biocommunication scanning is an alternative to diagnostic testing, but to determine the clinical value of scan results as a guide for doctors ordering diagnostic workups.


SAFETY – There are no known contraindications for properly administered ZYTO scanning. The amount of energy used in a scan is so low that it is safe for infants, children, adults of all ages, for people with pacemakers, and pregnant women.


The History

The Zyto Biocommunication hand cradle is a bio-information tool designed to assist health practitioners gather client-specific information. It facilitates a conversation between the computer and the client at an autonomic or subconscious level. This conversation is essentially an extension of the intake process involving a written health history, as Biocommunication can be compared to the health history form and the pen used to fill in the blanks. Although the printed form and the pen are not medical devices the information they collect can have significant clinical value.  This is also true for Biocommunication; gathering information is the objective. Information is the transmission of knowledge.


There are various ways to transmit knowledge.  The communication pathway that Biocommunication accesses is Galvanic Skin Response or GSR. GSR is concerned with the conductivity (how well something conducts electricity) of the largest organ in the body, the skin.


A German Professor named Tarchanoff first discovered skin conductivity around 1888. In the early 1900’s Dr. Carl Jung established that GSR measurements could track physiological arousal or stress in the body. In the 1930’s Dr. Hans Selye began to uncover the importance of understanding stress and what information it could tell us about the body. These discoveries have led to the creation of many common devices, such as the polygraph test. Later in the 20th century, Dr. Reinholt Voll and others identified further uses for GSR, including the monitoring of acupuncture points to determine the condition of the body’s energy meridians.


In the 1980’s, Dr. Vaughn R Cook began to build on these applications. The initial goal was to use computers and GSR to gather data to aid healthcare professionals in making diagnostic and therapeutic decisions. After designing one such instrument, he began in 2001 to design a fully automated device that could expand into non-clinical use. However, the first such application was the LSA Pro, released after three years of development in late 2004.


Much like a polygraph technician asking a subject questions and evaluating the body’s response, Biocommunication uses GSR to track responses to computer generated signatures called ‘queries’, or ‘virtual stressors’. Biocommunication asks the body questions by generating a query and monitors corresponding fluctuations in GRS to record its answers.


Initially the Biocommunication scan determines what is called the patient’s stress profile. A stress profile is comprised of the most exaggerated responses to a given set of queries. These responses are considered ‘out of range’ or significant enough that they warrant further attention. The Biocommunication device then uses the stress profile as a measure against which further queries are rated.  These further queries help identify balancing options, including nutriceutical products.


Just like the written health history, this information serves as a guide for clinical decisions: Are specific diagnostic tests warranted?  Which therapeutic query is the client showing the most positive (balancing) response? The Biocommunication process quickly gathers and assesses data that would otherwise be missed.


Zyto Definitions

BASELINE – A reference value derived from hand cradle measurements of the energy of the skin that are used in conjunction with the response value to determine biological preference.


BIOLOGICAL PREFERENCE – Using biocommunication, ZYTO software is able to measure response coherence or changes in the energy pattern of the skin.  Responses resulting in greater coherence indicate what is referred to as biological preference. Biological preference will vary by individual and over time.


ENERGETIC FIELD – Living organisms are composed of and impacted by energy.  Some animal species have highly developed energetic senses and use them to hunt and communicate.  ZYTO software interacts with the body’s energy when it sends VSI data and measures the body’s response.


GALVANIC SKIN RESPONSE OR GSR – All tissues in the human body, including skin, have the ability to conduct electricity. This electrical energy is constantly changing and can be measured and charted. The skin’s electrical conductivity fluctuates based on certain bodily conditions, and this fluctuation is called the galvanic skin response.


NEGATIVE RESPONSE – When the response to the VSI results in a loss of coherence in the body’s energy pattern, it is interpreted as negative and is referred to as a biological aversion.


POSITIVE RESPONSE OR COHERENCE – When the response to the VSI results in greater coherence in the body’s energy pattern, it is interpreted as positive and is referred to as a biological preference.


RESPONSE – The natural, energetic reaction the body has to the VSI.


VSI OR VIRTUAL STIMULUS ITEM (STIMULUS) – A digital signal that is correlated to something physical, sometimes referred to as a representative computer signature. Computers only communicate with binary digital code (ones and zeros) so the VSI is created digitally and then associated with the physical item it represents using a proprietary entanglement process called linking.  Once linked, the VSI allows ZYTO software to communicate with the body.


Why Consider Biocommunication?

With the development of ZYTO biocommunication, it is easy to identify your body’s biological preference for things relating to your health.


1 – Insight into your health.


Reports from your ZYTO scan provide you with information that may help identify your individual needs such as nutritional support, appropriate medication, or clinical assistance. Identifying items to which you have an unusual response gives you and your healthcare provider insight about health-related issues that may be keeping you from functioning at a balanced state.


2 – Identify your biological preference for nutrition.


Does one size fit all when it comes to nutritional support? Of course not! ZYTO scans identify your body’s unique positive responses; we call these your biological preferences. Knowing your biological preferences helps you and your healthcare provider choose the nutritional supplements that will support your individual health needs.


3 – Save Money.


There are a lot of good nutritional supplements but you probably don’t need them all. Knowing your biological preferences helps you choose products that are right for you. Choosing well means your investment in supplements is more likely to pay off, providing you the benefits you need and saving money on things you don’t need.


4 – Increase Energy.


Your body consumes energy in its effort to maintain a healthy balance. When your body uses this energy to deal with life’s extra challenges, like fighting a cold, you will have less energy to perform your day-to-day physical activities. ZYTO helps you identify the additional support your body may need to maintain balance and keep your energy levels high. By providing your body extra help when it’s needed, you’re more likely to address issues while they are small, leaving you with more energy to enjoy life.


5 – Track your Health.


ZYTO biocommunication scans give you information ‘in the moment.’ Tracking your scans over time can be beneficial, allowing you to identify trends or long term issues that you will want to pay particular attention to. Keeping track of your past can help you predict the future, and reviewing your past ZYTO reports gives you essentially a look back through time.


6 – Verbal Communication has limitations.


Have you ever asked a sick toddler or a child with autism how they are feeling? Even for adults, using words to explain how you feel can be a challenge. Biocommunication opens up an entirely new communication channel with your body. By supplementing verbal communication with ZYTO biocommunication, a second perspective is established that can provide helpful insights and information about your health.

Metabolic Typing

Posted by on Apr 9, 2012 in Food Related, Health Topics | 0 comments

All metabolic activity takes place at the cellular level. Each cell in your body is like a biochemical factory whose primary task is to turn the food and nutrients you consume into energy for all of the life-supporting (metabolic) activities your body carries out.  The quality of our health is largely dependent on the rate, quality and amount of energy available to our metabolic processes.  To optimize our energy production, we need a full spectrum of nutrients.  But different people have genetically programmed requirements for different amounts of various nutrients.


This is where Metabolic Typing comes in – A technology that takes the guess work out of nutritional science.   It’s a system that can be used to cut rapidly through the information overflow of confusing fact and opinion in order to identify your own unique nutritional requirements.  It’s an extremely logical methodology that provides what has long been needed:  a systematic, testable, repeatable, verifiable means for each of us to find an answer to the question “What’s right for me?”

As an overview, here’s a sneak peak of the Welcome letter from Healthexcel that accompanies the individualized results report.

The hallmark of The Healthexcel Metabolic Typing Program is understanding. Without proper understanding of both what you are doing and what your experiences mean, the chances are slim that you will achieve your goals regarding good health and well-being. After all, no one sticks with something that they don’t understand.


Your Metabolic Typing Program is not a treatment or a remedy for a specific condition. Rather, it is a process that can lead you form where you currently are in your health, to greater metabolic balance and efficiency. This results in increased energy, well-being and, in a word, GOOD-HEALTH.


Your Metabolic Typing Program Guide is designed as a reference to fulfill the need for information. Herein you will find data concerning the results of your Metabolic Typing Analysis. You’ll also find all the practical information you need in order to successfully follow your program. It’s the nearest thing there is to an “Owner’s Manual” for the human body, as it will teach you how to understand your body’s needs and explain to you how to fulfill them in order to be healthy for the rest of your life.


Very little information of a philosophical nature is presented. We’ve only given you the essential, practical information you need to know in order to work successfully with your program. It is important that you, with the help of your Metabolic Typing Advisor, become familiar with its contents.


However, there’s no rush. And you don’t have to memorize anything. You won’t be tested on the information! But in an easy, natural way, you should go over the information and slowly but surely begin to incorporate all of the recommendations into your lifestyle.


We are, as human beings, truly magnificent creations. Within us, there’s an unlimited potential, an unbounded source of energy and intelligence. And, next to life itself, we’ve been granted a most wondrous gift – our free will – and a mighty and potent boon it is, far more than perhaps most of us realize!


Whether you’re aware of it or not, you are fully in charge of your life. You are the architect of your own destiny, the creator of your own reality. And as such, your life, and your health, are your responsibility. No one can take on this responsibility for you. The responsibility for your health is yours, and yours alone.


If you want to unfold your full potential, then it’s up to you to find out what is right for you and go after it. No one can do this for you. It takes determination and dedication, but rest assured, the rewards are well worth it.


Your Metabolic Typing Program provides direction and expertise. It can help you to understand your individuality and to learn what you need to do to obtain optimum health – the determination to do something about it is up to you!

Creamy Tomato Soup

Posted by on Mar 29, 2012 in Recipes, Soups | 0 comments

Creamy Tomato Soup

32 oz broth (veggie or chicken)
28 oz package of crushed tomatoes
1 cup whole milk or heavy cream
pure salt to taste
freshly ground black pepper
handful of fresh basil, roughly chopped (optional)
freshly grated parmesan cheese (optional)

  • Combine broth and tomatoes in a saucepan over medium heat.
  • When soup bubbles, stir in milk and reduce heat to low.
  • Season with a little salt and pepper and simmer gently 15 minutes, stirring occasionally.
  • Puree soup with an immersion blender if you have one (or transfer to regular blender).
  • Serve bowls of soup with basil and parmesan over the top if using.

Serves 4.



~ Very simple warm and creamy soup. Nice to take advantage of when fresh tomatoes are not in season. Shown here with GROWN-UP-GRILLED-CHEESE. When tomatoes are in season, and you’ve got a bunch to use up, try this fresh, ROASTED-TOMATO-SOUP recipe instead.

~ If you’re not having a sandwich on the side, you might want to make some croutons to toss into the soup. You can do this easily by cutting up a few pieces of bread into chunks, and toasting in the oven on a cookie sheet until dry & crunchy. If you’d like, you can season the bread after you’ve cut it up by tossing it in a bowl with olive oil, salt, pepper & crushed garlic (or garlic powder) then transfer to a sheet and toast in oven.

~  The amount of salt will vary depending on how salty the broth is and whether or not you’re using cheese which is pretty salty in & of itself.  1/2 tsp is probably safe to start with for most, and more can be added at the table if needed.

~ Feel free to substitute the basil for other fresh herbs.

Enjoy =)

 For those with various food restrictions, this recipe falls into the following categories:

Dairy Free, Gluten Free, Egg Free, Nut Free, Sugar Free, Grain Free, Vegan, Raw

If eating dairy free, omit the cheese.  Always check the labels of any packaged goods you’re using (such as broth) if eating gluten and/or sugar free.

Potato, Cheddar, Bacon Soup

Posted by on Mar 29, 2012 in Potatoes, Recipes, Soups | 0 comments

Potato, Cheddar, Bacon Soup

2 – 4 baking potatoes (depending on size – between 1.5 & 2 lbs), baked, peeled, & roughly chopped
2 TBSP butter or ghee
1 – 3 garlic cloves (depending on size) finely chopped (about 1 TBSP)
3 & 1/2 cups whole milk
6 slices bacon, cooked and diced
1/2 large onion (or 1 small), thinly sliced
2 celery stalks, diced
3/4 cup shredded cheddar cheese (optional)
1/2 cup sour cream (optional)
1/2 tsp pure salt (or to taste)
freshly ground black pepper to taste

  • Wash potatoes.
  • Use a fork to make a few holes in the potatoes, and bake for about an hour (give or take) at 350.
  • In the pot you’ll be making the soup, cook the bacon, remove from pot, and set aside.
  • In the same pot, add the onions and saute until lightly browned.
  • Add celery, saute a few minutes longer, then remove vegetables from pot and set aside.
  • Once the potatoes are cool enough to handle, peel and discard the skin (can easily pull it off with your fingers), and roughly chop the remaining potato.
  • Still using the same pot, melt butter over medium heat, add garlic and cook for a minute or 2.
  • Stir in the milk.
  • Add chopped potato to the pot, and bring mixture to a boil, stirring frequently.
  • Reduce heat & simmer for 10 minutes, uncovered.
  • Dice or crumble the cooked bacon and add it to the potato mixture along with the onions, celery, cheese (and sour cream if using).
  • Stir until cheese is melted.
  • Season with salt and pepper to taste.

Serves 4.



~  Talk about a rich, hearty soup…  This is very delicious and quite filling.  A little goes a long way.  If you enjoy a baked potato with the works, you’ll like this soup. Of course, not everyone does well with a meal this rich, you can make the soup (a little) lighter by omitting the sour cream, and/or the cheddar, and/or the bacon.

~  If it’s easier, you can make the potatoes earlier in the day – so they’re cooled off & ready to add at your convenience.

~ I stir about half of the onion/celery/bacon into the soup, and use the other half to add over each individual serving, but you can stir it all in if preferred (the only difference is the presentation – will taste the same either way).

~  Use a nitrate-free bacon from naturally raised, grass-fed pigs – or if you don’t eat pig products – a high-quality, turkey bacon will work.

 For those with various food restrictions, this recipe falls into the following categories:

Dairy Free, Gluten Free, Egg Free, Nut Free, Sugar Free, Grain Free, Vegan, Raw